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ICLG is honored in Berlin with the
Award for Sustainable Local Commitment

The award for sustainable local commitment is awarded to active initiatives or associations whose commitment meets several dimensions in the sense of the global sustainability strategy. The award recognizes the commitment to preserving the regional natural and cultural heritage and the creation of social and economic networks.

The jury - consisting of representatives of the BMI, the BHU and municipal umbrella organizations - selected five initiatives and associations from across Germany for the second time.

The focus of the assessment is local commitment that takes more than one aspect of the global sustainability strategy into account, i.e. has an economic, social, ecological or cultural dimension. The prizes are each endowed with 1,000 Euros.

Foto: BHU Baschlakow

The award was presented on June 24, 2024, as part of the BHU Federal Congress in Berlin's Red City Hall by the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland (BMI), Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter. The laudatory speech was given by the Federal Managing Director Dr. Inge Gotzmann of the Federal Association of Homeland Societies in Germany (BHU).

We are very pleased about this honor because it is a beautiful way of recognizing our voluntary commitment!

Löbejün is recognized as a COUNTRY MUSIC VENUE 2024

Eleven municipalities will be named “Country Music Venue of the Year” by the German Music Council in 2024. This prize will be awarded for the third time in 2024. For the first time, a municipality from Saxony-Anhalt is among the award winners: Wettin-Löbejün.
"Musikland Sachsen-Anhalt" writes about this on its website:

"Wettin-Löbejün, located in the Saale district, was chosen as a country music venue by the German Music Council as one of only 11 towns... The aim of the award is to promote local lighthouse projects in rural regions, which should be rewarded with financial support and public awareness. €8,000 will be awarded flow into Wettin-Löbejün's musical structures.

The International Carl Loewe Society plays a central role in Wettin-Löbejün's musical life. It celebrates the Löbejün-born composer with an annual music festival and also runs the Carl Loewe Museum. The latter recently celebrated its tenth birthday.

Because such, purely voluntary, commitment is by no means a given, but is indispensable for a lively cultural life outside of urban areas, we are particularly pleased about the award. According to the President of the German Music Council, each of the award-winning communities is a 'nucleus of successfully networked musical life in its federal state, sustainably supported by competence and enthusiasm'...

The award and the fact that Wettin-Löbejün is one of the few award-winning communities underline how valuable the commitment of the International Carl Loewe Society is. Especially in rural areas, culture thrives on passionate volunteer work. We are really happy for our colleagues and congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts."

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